What is the mandate presentation process using DigiCollect?

What is the mandate presentation process using DigiCollect?

  • For a debit to happen on day T, the API call/file upload should be done by late night on T-1.

  • At 00:00 hrs T, Digio creates an ACH debit file in standard NPCI format and shares it with the Sponsor Bank.

  • The Sponsor Bank uploads the debit files to NPCI in the first window (ideally). The debit is attempted and successful if all required conditions are met (e.g. valid mandate, valid amount, balance present etc.).

  • If the debit date coincides with a NPCI RTGS/NACH holiday, the system will automatically schedule the debit to the next working day. 

  • Debit status is received generally by EOD of settlement date via sponsor bank H2H server channel and passed to corporates via Webhook immediately and updated on Digio Dashboard and MIS. 

3 ways you can trigger Debit request (one time or recurring) via Digio - 


Digio Dashboard

Create a debit request on need basis against a mandate. Recommended when volumes are minor and deep integration is not required. 


CSV Upload

Create bulk requests. Recommended when volumes are decent and deep integration is not required. 


API Integration

Automated way with deep integration with your systems. Most recommended. 

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