How to monitor mandate registration using mandate analytics feature?

How to monitor mandate registration using mandate analytics feature?

Below tables can be found under Analytics section of Mandate Book:

To generate a report, a Bank and date range (automatically set to 7 days) has to be selected and the ‘Generate’ button clicked. If any data is present, upto two tables are shown which represent the following information:

  • The two tables represent data for API Mandates (eSign, NetBanking + Debit Card) and Physical Mandates, respectively.

  • The tables show data for each day in a 7 day date range.

  • ‘Total’ is the total no. of API or Physical Mandates shared by Digio with the selected Bank on the given date. 

  • Under ACK (acknowledgement shared by Bank):

  1. ‘Pending’ denotes the number of mandates for which ACK is still to be received.

  2. ‘Overdue’ denotes the number of mandates for which ACK is still to be received and the TAT is over.

  3. ‘Failed’ denotes the number of mandates failed to be registered at the Sponsor Bank level due to a discrepancy in the mandate.

  • Under RES (response file shared by Bank):

  1. ‘Received’ denotes the number of Mandates for which the RES has been received.

  2. ‘Pending’ denotes the number of mandates for which RES is still to be received.

  3. ‘Overdue’ denotes the number of mandates for which RES is still to be received and the TAT is over.

  4. ‘Failed’ denotes the number of mandates failed to be registered at the Destination Bank level due to a discrepancy in the mandate.

  • If a column/section is missing from a table, it means that the Bank does not return that data at all. E.g. certain banks do not give an ACK for API mandate but give an RES directly.

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