How does the mandate registration process happen?

How does the mandate registration process happen?


                                                3 Mandate Variants

API eNACH  (Debit Card & Net Banking)


          eSIGN eNACH

1 - Sponsor bank profile creation

Via Digio Dashboard

(One time activity) 

Via Digio Dashboard

(One time activity) 

Via Digio Dashboard

(One time activity) 

2 - Mandate Request Creation

API/ Dashboard/ CSV

Trigger SMS or Email to user or use Digio SDKs for authentication within your application

API/ Dashboard/ CSV 

Generate pre filled form or send user a link to download

API/ Dashboard/ CSV

Trigger SMS or Email to user or use Digio SDKs for authentication within your application

3 - User Authentication

Digio screens triggered via SDK or SMS/EMAIL Link. Users are taken to the Destination bank page via NPCI and authenticated with Debit Card or Netbanking.

NPCI informs the sponsor bank at the end of the day or next day

Corporate-> NPCI-> DestinationBank

Signed Image Submission - API or Dashboard. 

If a link is sent to the user, signed image is uploaded on the link itself. 

Signed Images with NPCI XMLs are sent to the sponsor bank instantly or at a window based on a defined pattern with sponsor bank. Bank submits the ZIP (XMLs & Images) to NPCI when NPCI windows are open.

Corporate-> SponsorBank-> NPCI-> DestinationBank


Digio screens triggered via SDK or SMS/EMAIL Link. User performs Aadhaar eSign  Authentication ( on ESP webpage).

eSigned XMLs are sent to the sponsor bank instantly or at a window based on a defined pattern with the sponsor bank. Bank submits the XMLs to NPCI when NPCI window is open.  

Corporate-> SponsorBank-> NPCI-> DestinationBank

4- UMRN & NPCI Acknowledgement (ACK) 

Generated by NPCI Instantly in authentication response.

Note - it doesn’t mean final registration. 


Generated by NPCI on image receipt. 

Received by corporate generally by Next working day in XML/CSV format

NPCI-> SponsorBank-> Corporate

Generated by NPCI on eSigned XML receipt. 

Received by corporate generally by Next working day in XML/CSV format

NPCI->Sponsor Bank->Corporate

5 - Final Registration (RES) 

By Next working day

NPCI-> SponsorBank-> Corporate 

3-15 days 


3-7 days

DestinationBank-> NPCI-> SponsorBank-> Corporate

For all the mandate variants these 6 actioner are involved in registration process - Corporate, Sponsor bank, NPCI, Destination Bank, Digio & Customer

API Mandate (Debit Card & Netbanking)   

Physical Mandate 

eSign Mandate 


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