How can I generate my document for signing?

How can I generate my document for signing?

After uploading your template, 

Step 1 : Click on Generate document to the right of your document

Step 2: Add signer email address or mobile number on which the sign link will be sent. 

Step 3: Define the expiry of the link/request triggered 

Step 4: Select sign type.

Step 5: Select the sequential signing tag if you wish to add a sequence to the signatures.

Step 6: Select the eStamp tag if you wish to affix a stamp paper on your document. By selecting the tag name from your inventory then pass the required quantity and clicking on add. 

Step 7: Select add post signing email receivers if you want to send email post signing. By default the signed pdf will be triggered to registered email id and signatory Email ID , to add any additional post signing receiver add the email_id.

Step 8: Pass any custom message for the signer to be sent on the email or sms on mobile along with the signing link 

Step 9: Click Next to fill values of defined variables.

Step 10: You can pass the file name. With this name file get generated post signing.

Step 10: Click on send. 

The user will receive a link on their email id or mobile number which will allow them to sign the document.