How can I create multiple/ bulk form requests?

How can I create multiple/ bulk form requests?

This approach is recommended to be taken if you wish to create multiple forms links in bulk

Step 1 : Select the form from the dashboard and click on download sample csv from the panel

Step 2 : Import the csv into csv reader (msexcel, googlesheet, etc and fill in the rows)

Tips to fill the imported csv :

First few columns would be the details pertaining to the form request until you see the field with the naming convention as “form.(variable name)”. Refer table below:


Data to be filled in



Signer email address or mobile number on which the sign link will be sent / 9830098300. Please note 


Enter any unique identifier that you would use later for reconciliation from your internal records

Loan Account Number, Customer Identifier, Folio Number, etc


Enter any unique identifier that you would use later for reconciliation from your internal records

Loan Account Number, Customer Identifier, Folio Number, etc


Define the expiry of the link triggered (Max upto 30 days)

If you don’t want any signers to sign after the defined time, then pass xx days based on your requirement.



Please put in true to trigger link to the user on his email / mobile number as mentioned in the customer_identifier


Pass any custom message for the signer to be sent on the email or sms on mobile along with the signing link

Please eSign the Mutual NDA / Please eSign the account opening form


Enter either 

(aadhaar / dsc / electronic)

Aadhaar for aadhar based signatures (note only otp based supported)

DSC for USB based token signatures (works only when signer is using laptop / desktop)

Electronic for onscreen based signing

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